Thursday, May 18, 2017

More outdoor play

My days start early now (5) - there's very little quiet during the day so I've started seeking out peaceful moments where I can find them. I caught this shot in the wee hours :)

Pools are the best.

There's a bug in my towel!

Afterwards, popsicles. These took the littles a little while to get used to, but they weren't going to give up!

Static electricity experiments. We talked about atoms and how they're teeeeeeeeny tiny, and how they have positive and negative charges. Then we rubbed a balloon over the girls' hair to accumulate negative charge and did fun things with it ;) Like water bending! The girls were moderately impressed but I thought this was so cool.

Picking up salt. Avy was very proud that her hair generated more static electricity than Ellie's ;)

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