Thursday, May 18, 2017

We're ready for summer

I can't wait until our days become good enough to just kick the kids outdoors - it's been too cold recently though. Soon!

Our intrepid adventurers.

The kids were racing each other across the lawn.

Theo cheered them on.

We've been studying density, and this was a great experiment to demonstrate. From the bottom: honey, corn syrup, maple syrup, milk, water (those two blended a bit for a while), dish soap, and oil. We also dropped corn kernels, pennies, tomatoes and beads to see where they feel in our density scale.

Water and milk separated more by the next morning. And see those corn kernels bobbing away near the bottom? The girls thought this experiment was fascinating.

Lily being silly.

They can write!! School is getting to be a lot of fun with the bigs :)

A gorgeous sunny moment.

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