Thursday, May 25, 2017


I don't know if my second set of twins is just more exciting than the first or if I've blocked out the memories at this point, but here was a series of events from yesterday:

We were getting ready to go to swim lessons when I heard Lily's "uhoh. UHOH." Theo had climbed onto the bathroom sink and plopped his butt right into the wet soap dish. He apparently thought this was hilarious because he started using the soft soap to paint all over the mirror.

I should note, this is not where I found him.

I found him in the living room, where he had plopped down several times on the floor, leaving perfect soap-butt imprints all over.

A few hours later, this happened:

Somebody (-coughDavecough-) apparently opened our 10lb bag of popcorn kernels and left it unsealed right at Lily's height. A quick note: Ellie was immensely helpful cleaning these up - go Ellie!

That kicked off 20 minutes of excitement that I'd rather not repeat: the babies were decidedly unhelpful in cleaning up the popcorn so I kicked them out with toy distractions. Because I was caught up in cleaning, I didn't think about how quiet it was.

Finally finished and went looking for them - they were both up to their elbows in our toilet, splashing water everywhere and licking their fingers. I kicked them out of there to clean up all of the water, and when I came out it was quiet except for Lily again: "uhoh, uhoh, UHOH!"

Theo had climbed onto the changing table where there was a bounty of super full wet diapers I hadn't thrown away yet. He had proceeded to throw them all off the table. One was, probably a tad overfull: it exploded all over the floor.

And, because of course Lily has to get in on the excitement, as I'm cleaning that mess up, Lily very helpfully picked up the now-unwrapped wet diapers.... and put them on my back.

I'm going to start a family comedy show - my life is enough material.

Just a quick insight into the actual sausage-making process: it's not always cute ;)

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