Sunday, October 1, 2017

At the pumpkin patch

We drove out to Carnation for pumpkins! It was the longest trip we've taken outside of our RV trip and it was encouragingly successful.

Snacking on the way...

Looking a bit like a pumpkin there Avy!

Ellie's getting her wiggles out.

Ellie and Avy's refrain: "I want the BIGGEST PUMPKIN."

We got one! Oh wait, that's Avy again.

I tried to photograph my two wiggliest kids at the same time. I wouldn't say I succeeded.

"Hey Lily, can I take a picture?" <immediately strikes pose>

"Hey Theo, can I take a picture?"  "MOM THIS PUMPKIN IS DIRTY! EVERYTHING IS DIRTY!"

Avy staking her pumpkin claim.

"Ellie, can you hold reeeeeally still for a second?" <Ellie freezes except for swinging arms>

"Mom, that one has dirt on it too!!"

A family picture! And everyone's eyes are open! Lily, the one time you're photographed with the rest of the family....

Oh sure, Lily, now you smile...

Theo's favorite part.

Definitely ;)

We'll wait a few weeks to carve them but that's an adventure the kids are already wiggly for. Exciting!

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