Sunday, October 1, 2017

It's been a full week

It was an eventful week, some good, some.. different. Here are the girls reading to each other:

Lily got out of time out and hid under her bed. Here she is, discovering that she didn't get away with it ;)

Our van battery died, and rather than cancel our plans for the week the kids helped me take the battery out, walk the 4.5 mile round trip to the local auto parts shop for a new one, then put it back in. Very few pictures of this time because we were all hot and exhausted, but the kids were troupers and we even stopped by the grocery store for oranges to eat at the park on our way home. Here we stopped at a local construction site to watch the bulldozer (being driven by a woman!).

With our van working again, we drove to a brand new park the following day!

Avy approved ;)

It also had a boardwalk hike that we spent some time snacking and traipsing on.

Back at home it was naps for the babies and school for the kids. We practiced graphing!

Theo helping with the laundry. He kept asking so I finally internally sighed and told him, "Sure! You can put away the big girls' stuff." He grabbed as much as he could possibly carry and carefully stuffed it all into one of the girls drawers. Who needs sorting anyway....

Lily likes to blow her nose. 'Nuff said.

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