Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Going for a hike

We took off this morning for a local park that ages a little older than the kids but has a wonderful attached trails system. After some snacks and a little romping on the park, we set out!

We're going on an adventure!

Zoom in to Lily's feet and be amazed that she didn't fall.

I bought the kids some binoculars in an attempt to help them with the observation part of our hikes and it was a wild success (for today, at least): the girls would stare off at some object 10 feet away through the lenses then tell me all about the amazing fallen tree they found!!!

My intrepid explorers.

Back home for strawberries!

I set the ground rule of "don't look at the sun through the binoculars" and of course the girls wanted to know why? I drew a picture of the sun going through a lens condensing down to one point but in a stroke of parenting genius pulled out a magnifying glass and set some leaves on fire. "See that leaf?" I said. "The binoculars are a lens like the magnifying glass, so that leaf is your eye."

"OOHHHHHHHHH" said the girls. And then of course Ellie asked, "Well what if I held the binoculars up to the sun but didn't look through them?" Well then you'll be fine, kiddo. And she nodded, took up her magnifying glass, and proceeded to set many things on fire. I might have created another problem for myself here....

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