Wednesday, November 1, 2017


First we ran the puppies to ensure we got the wiggles out.

He's coming in for a hug!

Taking a snack mid-run.

Then a long (much longer than intended) hike.

Back at home after a nap and some quiet time - dinner! Momma was a little frazzled so the kids made it for themselves....


Who is that stranger with Theo!

So Ellie asked to be a ghost. After making her a costume she changed her mind in order to become a butterfly, but Avy said she wanted to be a ghost instead. Here's her face paint:

After all was done she told me she didn't like it very much, so we wiped it off. Fair enough!

Ellie as a butterfly.

Lily wasn't sure what she wanted but she wanted something on her face!

After cleaning her face, Avy thought for a minute then asked, "Mom, could I be a chicken?" Well if that isn't a perfect adaptation I don't know what is!

Adding a little more to Lily's costume. She's going as "cute".

This lasted about 3 seconds. Theo's too cool for costumes ;)

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