Thursday, November 9, 2017

We haven't done much recently

It's been a lounge-around-the-house week. But there's always cute moments.

Lily really wants to do everything herself now. I'm in no hurry, she can take her time. She's stubborn though, so when I pointed out that she had both legs in one leghole she refused to let me help her fix it. This is how she ended up shuffling around the house for 30 minutes (and face planting twice, I really shouldn't laugh).

My waders! Calf-high for me, hip-high for her.

She's a little mooch too. My breakfast is carefully calibrated to keep me running until 2 pm+ (the next chance I get to eat) and she's decided she's a big fan of rice/avocado/cheese/mushroom/egg/SO MUCH CAYENNE. She now pre-emptively gets herself a cup of water before staking out the chair next to me and asking me to "Share? Taste?". Yea yea girl, I get it, you're cute, have my food.

Theo is also a mooch, but he doesn't like cayenne. He steals my veggies instead. Here he swiped one of the dollhouse plates and placed his piece of broccoli on it before eating it. He was so proud.

Plastic teddy bears in bowls with ladles. Best game ever. They share back and forth; Lily asks for this first thing every morning.

Theo didn't finish his dinner so he didn't get to eat any Halloween candy. Ellie gave him her candy wrapper to smell. I can't tell if she was being nice or evil....

Hey there cool dude.

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