Thursday, November 16, 2017

Lazy days

We're enjoying the ramp up to the holidays with some easy days. Here we were about to go run some errands; Avy is very patiently showing Lily how to zip up her jacket and letting her practice on her.

A stop for lunch! We got piroshkis, which didn't go over great but it was an exercise in them picking out their own food and requesting it directly from the lady.

Some playtime

After dinner candy. You can tell who didn't get any by the laser-focus on Ellie.

Daddy getting snuggles!

Dad's mid-way into his project of running power lines through the attic to the master bedroom. Here he's installing a conduit outside the house to get down to the breaker box.

Our wonderful friend Nikki came over to play with the kids. Theo is adopting her.

Avy too :)

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