Thursday, November 16, 2017

Yard work

We had an epic storm here this week and all the autumn leaves fell down (along with many many branches). Since it wasn't raining I decided to put us all to work!

Leaf blowing! Way too much fun.

The kids did this themselves, I pretty much just got the corners inward for them and let them go. The littles got to try too, but no pictures since I had to help them hold the blower :(

My audience. We have a very large bush on the side that gets a little wild, so I had them "direct" my cuttings from a safe distance.

Then we worked together to rake off the branches!

And put them in the can.

Stomp stomp!

Then we went for a walk! Everyone was tuckered out by the end.

Decorating the tree :)

Theo is hiding from bedtime. Do you see him?

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