Saturday, September 8, 2018

A new family member

But first a good day: We went to the park, then the library, then the hatchery, and finally a frozen yogurt shop. The kids were in heaven :)

Back to the headliner - no, no more babies (sorry aunties). Instead, our experiment with dog-sitting Lina went so spectacularly well that we decided it was time for a puppy. I already have 4, what's 1 more?

Here we are meeting the prospectives:

And... meet Dan. He fits in very well.

Yea, he's a mellow dog. He has a few hours of super energy in the morning right when the kids do, so I kick them all outside and it's amazing.

Random Lily cleaning the floors.

Trying on our new rainsuits (I'm more prepared for this year's wetness).

Theo's laptop was dead, so Avy shared hers with him. Meanwhile Ellie and Lily are snuggled close and every once in a while Ellie would guide Lily through her application. Also, spot the dog :)

Family bike ride! Including our new member (red chariot).

Isn't the dog supposed to pull the cart? Still, he's a good boy :)

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