Saturday, September 8, 2018

More slices of life

Everyone was sick during the second house cleaning, so our family restaurant trip came later. Here's Lily adventurously (and successfully) eating salsa while we waited for our food.

Dan's just kinda slotted right in.

Yep, super suits.

Our plum tree was bountiful this year but we haven't made jam since the littles were born. First we tried rotation of slicing.

Dad decided that wasn't efficient and fixed it: big girls halved the plums and took out the pits, and the littles fed them into the food processor. Mom cooked the batches and Dad cleaned! Perfect!

Wrassle the dog time.

Dan is just their speed.

Lily is drawing a picture of Dan.

Limp dog.

The girls started Wilderness Awareness School this month - hence the rain suits. Rain, snow, shine or sleet, the kids are outdoors tromping about.

And so are we! After dropping off the big girls the littles, Dan and I spent 4 hours at the park. Luckily it was a gorgeous first day :)

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