Saturday, September 8, 2018

Sleep and Science

We've been, without exaggeration, sick since November. We've still been doing stuff but there's been a rotation of illnesses sweeping our house since early last winter. It's September. Puh-leeeease can we be well soon?

Ellie passing out on my shoulder - poor bear.

We still managed to sneak in an experiment or two! Color blending for the littles...

...and paper-making for everyone. I found a homeschooling mother in India who blogs science experiments and her paper-making one looked awesome.

Rip up and soak old paper....

....then puree it....

...then gently pat it into molds. We ended up with the world's thickest paper (after a few days) but we also learned a bit about the Egyptians and papyrus. Plus it was a solid 2 hours of fun :)

Smiles :)

Examining moss under our "microscope". We watched a video that showed how moss can stay dry for months but unfurls at the first drop of water, so the girls wanted to see the process in action.

Cute tax.

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