Friday, October 30, 2015

Another one of those terrible days

Dunno what to tell you - life as a 2 year old is rough.

They discovered it was pouring rain ("Reining!!") so they grabbed their jackets and shoes and hustled outside (minimal help from me, I think I zipped the zippers and pulled out the shoe tongues). Good thing they like rain, given this state, all I have to say!

 We then went to the Kids' Museum, no pictures but lots of videos on the youtube channel. The girls got hungry so we went outside in the court for our snacks, and spotted a waffle spot. The girls never having had waffles, we had to buy one. With sprinkles. It was a necessity. (Although at $5 a waffle, a necessity that won't be repeated - eek!)

They knew their market though and had a cute little table for the girls to eat at. Ellie is an Aldridge and preferred her grapes - Avy takes after me and devoured that waffle ;)

Home again! After nap we played with chalk outside but before the girls could get tired of it I brought out some boxes... oh boy, that just added hours to the fun.

Seriously. They did this until bedtime. What a great activity :)

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