Friday, October 30, 2015

Not your standard morning

The girls decided to get into Momma's prenatal vitamins one morning - I came out of the bathroom and found them sorting them on the table. I couldn't get a clear answer of how many if any they'd eaten (2 was as high as they could count then) and iron is a bad thing for toddlers. To the hospital we go!

Patiently waiting for checkin. This was ~1.5 hours after possible ingestion, no symptoms showing. They were hungry, but seemed to understand that we had to wait...

2 hours later after finally getting checked out! If they had eaten any it was only 1 or 2, 20 being where it gets bad so we stuffed them full of bananas and pastries. The girls were great this whole time, patiently waiting, calmly telling me they were hungry and accepting that they had to wait, tolerating the Dr's tests and for the most part sitting still. Good girls. Now just stay out of Momma's medicine cabinet!

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