Friday, October 2, 2015

Spoiled in a wonderful way

A friend invited us to join them at a kid's museum this morning - her daughter and the girls are good friends so even though I didn't know what to expect from the setting, at least they'd have a companion. But, oh boy, this museum is just amazing:

There were air vents that you could start with the push of a button and then toss balls and scarves into the slipstream to watch them hover. This was basically magic!

There was an actual tractor trailer hub parked in the museum that kids could climb into and "drive" - we got there early so there was no competition; Ellie especially was ready for a road trip.

Water play! 1/3 of the museum was dedicated to various types of water play, with full length bibs for the kids and a floor that welcomed splashes - this became the favorite.

There was lots more we didn't even touch but it was snack and nap time. We ate lunch then stopped for french fries on the way home. We're currently contracting with a maid service since I'm too big to do much bending over; our maid (Olga) and the girls love each other, and she'd brought them a cake. Lucky girls :)

After cake and french fries (healthy!), they followed Olga around a bit, she rolled the ball with them for a few minutes, and then they crashed for a nap. I want to be a 2 year old :)

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