Thursday, November 10, 2016

Friends in the neighborhood

It was a good day today: the kids all woke up cheerful and helpful despite coming down with their second cold of the month. 

Avy snuggling and posing so I can "take a picture!"

Theo still asleep two hours into his nap. Sweet bug.

One of our neighbors, Nikki, texted me in the morning to ask if she could come over to play. Absolutely! She was quickly the favorite:

Then we all piled into the car and went grocery shopping. Nikki was telling us about some science experiments she did in Girl Scouts so we bought the supplies needed to do one at home.

Nikki making different colored waters with the girls:

And adding daisies to the jars:

Ellie wrote an E! She was so proud.

Can't get enough :)

Babies went down for their second nap so we made ornaments.

You can see the flowers slowly changing colors! I asked the girls if they thought they would turn colors if they drank colored water, like the flowers. Nikki: "Can we try?" Yes Nikki!

Drink more Ellie! You're still pink!

There we go, turning Smurf!

A slight hint of blue...

And finally: I asked Ellie what she had drawn: "A police car!"

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