Monday, November 7, 2016

They're getting so big

I took the four kids over to our local kids' science museum this past week - that was an experience. First off, potty training is amazing. Ellie needs to go to the bathroom? Point out where it is, and kick back while she runs off to take care of herself. Momma needs to go to the bathroom? Tell the two big kids to watch the babies and come back to everyone happy and hovering. Bam! Parenting success.

We were camped out in the tots'n'toddlers section and the big girls rapidly lost interest. So.. they abandoned us. We'd already discussed that they could leave us for other exhibits and so one minute they were just... gone. When it was time to go I had to walk the babies around the museum to find the girls, who were on opposite ends of the museum from each other and very sad to be leaving. Ah future, I love you.

Ellie playing with the babies (right after my bathroom trip).

Avy playing with babies.

Theo got a haircut - no more curls!

Avy playing with trains.

Ellie sliding down the slide, face first.

And this was a blast from the past. The babies weren't going to sleep like normal so I peeked in on them. A big girl had pushed one of the cribs closer so they could reach and they were very happily batting at each other and holding hands. Awwwwgotosleep!

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