Saturday, November 19, 2016

Police Station Tour

The fire station tour a few months back went so well that I scheduled one for our local police station as well. Shout out to the Bellevue Police - you all are awesome! There were 30 of us, with ~15 kids under 5 and they were tremendously patient with all of the hubbub.

Getting a tour of dispatch. Hi Officer Tory!

Out with the vehicles. SWAT car! We could have climbed inside except Officer Jeff "forgot" to get the keys ...

Training room. This one uses VR for situational awareness training. Very cool!

Physical training room. Officer Jeff is holding "Handcuff Guy".

Theo is fascinated by Handcuff Guy.

Out with the police cars again.


Ellie: "It buuuuuurns!"

Ooh, do we get to go inside?

Just where every mother wants to see her kids...

Whee! Let's run around the pole!

Wait, what's that behind...

Oh. Ok then.

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