Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Halloween was a full day for us. We started the morning off by going to an indoor playnasium thingy (basically a two story maze with lots of foam obstacles and slides for kids). This was eye-opening for me: it was the first time where the girls just took off to play where they couldn't see me. At first Avy checked in every 5 minutes or so but by the time we left I hadn't seen her in half an hour. Brilliant!

There was also a smaller area for tots and toddlers - the babies loved this.

Can't tell from photos but this thing was going around, and around...

A watermelon seesaw! Theo loved this :)

This hole of shapes really fascinated Lily.

Theo on a trampoline! He was a fan.

A rare moment where I could see the girls :)

Getting ready for trick-or-treating! Avy was a superhero.

And Ellie was a ballerina Katerina.

Mostly though, they were Seattlites - it was pouring rain!

Lily thought we were taking too long. I turned around and she was halfway down the stairs! Nana A would be so proud - she was carefully taking it feet first.

Wrapped up snuggley against the rain!

As we wait for Ellie's potty stop, Avy is showing off our jack-o-lantern and bowl of candy.

The girls were very brave - I stayed on the street while they would run up and ring the doorbell themselves. Ellie was a character - she'd always forget to say trick or treat but she told every person what she and Avy were ("Avy's a super hero and I'm a ballerina Katerina!"). Then she would hold out her bag and the candy that she'd just gotten and ask, "Can you put it in my bag? I can't reach." Oh man, the adults loved this.

Back home and eating the spoils of our labor! Both girls went straight for the Tootsie Roll pops. Fine by me, I'll sneak the chocolate then....

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