Thursday, November 10, 2016

Snapshot Day

Here's a couple quick pics of what our day typically looks like:

Stuffing face with watermelon:

Stuffing face with Halloween candy:

She's trying not to smile and show the candy in her mouth ;)

Yep, standing all the time now.

Her sisters cheer her on :)

We have a habit dating back to when we did Skittles for pottying - you sort your candies by color (Momma trying to inject some math into all the sugar). Lately the girls have one-upped me and started putting their candies into patterns as well.

Avy sorted her candy then did layers of Rolos, Tootsie Rolls, and Misc.

Ellie sorting.

Tootsie Roll, Rolo, Tootsie Roll, Rolo, Tootsie Roll, Rolo....

Making more dough for ornaments!

Avy looks very Amish here.

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