Saturday, April 29, 2017


Ellie: "Mom, when I eat pasta my teeth get all sweaty and move around."

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Sick Day

Everyone's in the middle of an epic cold here: Avy had it first on Monday, and the rest were subsequently felled after. By Wednesday we just wanted to hunker down.

Yogurt with spoon practice for the babies meant bathes immediately after. They hated it, you can tell.

Lily spiked a fever in the early afternoon and I couldn't carry her around all the time, so I tucked her in on the couch. It was a sign of how sick she was that she stayed there.

Still a smiley pants tho.

Speaking of things that don't hold still unless ill...

Theo was worried briefly for his twin, and took it upon himself to take care of her.

Good gentle, Theo!

He missed her face for his kiss, so he tried again.

Lily is not hating this attention.

My two sleepy sickos (the other two were still running around).

Ellie and Avy were also worried about Lily and decided to entertain her. Ellie is stroking her hair while Avy shows her how to draw.

Such sweet big sisters.

The fever finally caught up with her. This was her first nap in over a year, caught me by surprise.

By Thursday they were all on the mend tho!  And furious to not be going places. Luckily Friday is supposed to be nice weather.

Spring weather!

We ventured outdoors for some gorgeous and almost-warm weather!

And when it started raining again, we moved some logs inside and let the girls paint them for a while.

Calm Sunday

The kids gotta get their Daddy snuggle time in while he's here and sitting down!

Theo isn't actually mauling Avy, he's hugging her. She's delighted.

Dad tried to nap. Tried.

How many hugs can you get at one time....

A sunny Sunday

Theo has recently figured out straws. Cue him carrying around this pretend juice box and sucking away.

Lily is prepared for spring!

Or her career as a model.

A bike ride!

Cutest dinosaurs.

A lilyshark!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Avy was in her room crying so I asked Theo to go give her a hug. He stared at me for a minute then ran off and I heard him knocking on her door. No answer, so he went off to find something else to do.

A few minutes later, Avy had come out and I was holding her. Theo ran in, beelined to Avy and gave her leg a big hug and a headbutt (his version of a kiss). Aww.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

More cute

Our second swim lesson. Avy didn't want to put her face in the water but she did it! Brave girl.

Avy is a ... traveling lion? It's adorable, whatever it is.

Ellie: "Take my picture too!"

Lily spilled some crumbs at toddler time, and industriously tried to clean them up.

After nap we bicycled and worked in the garden. After the girls abandoned their bicycles to help me weed, Lily decided she wanted a turn.


One of the benefits of homeschooling is the ability to go to popular locations on offhours to escape the rush. We picked a gorgeous day to go to the aquarium - the sun escaped the clouds and several of the animals came out from their dens after hiding all winter. Plus! Our wonderful Jessilee was able to join us!

Watching the diver clean the tank and feed the animals (a wolf eel curled all around him after spending the winter guarding her eggs - she was super hungry, to the delight of all the kids).

The tide pool exhibit. The girls were brave and touched a couple of the sea anemones; even Lily touched a sea urchin. Theo would have none of it ;)

The jelly fish tunnel. Basically a circle of hollow plastic that jelly fish swim around in and you can stand in the middle - all four kids loved this.

My very own jelly fish.

The octopus was another making an appearance - she crawled all around the tank to everyone's delight, and even tried to escape (to the terror of the kids and the hilarity of the adults).

A little hands-on play while we snack.

Out on the dock between aquarium buildings.

Watching for seals!

Theo got distracted from the seals by a really big helicopter.

Oh Jessilee, we love you.

After the aquarium we walked down the wharf a bit and stopped by the ferris wheel to finish our lunch. The babies were unimpressed.