Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Busy, busy days

Time was I could pile the girls into the car and wear them out. Now I have to pick activities that will accommodate both ages and won't end up with me flanked too badly (3 story play equipment with multiple drop points, I'm looking at you!). 

First some cuteness:

This lasted about 5 seconds.

It was a crazy day. Everyone was antsy to leave the house, but said antsy-ness actually delayed us. It took me a 1/2 hour to cut up a cucumber because I kept getting interrupted by fights, dressing requests, toy stealing, etc. It's not all the peaches and cream it looks like here ;)

Once at the park things settled down some: everyone ate a bundle then started running around (or in Theo's case, running towards any dogs in the area).

I'm sitting on the play equipment holding onto Lily as she dangles her feet from a 5 foot drop. I had to park myself up there because on the way to the slides were two 8' drops (does anyone use those firemen poles really?).

When I couldn't stand the hyper-vigilantism anymore I herded the kids into the little forest adjacent to the park.

We explored and walked the trails a few times around then everyone started protesting their exhaustion (I was sad, that was my favorite part!).

Avy's reading a swimsuit catalog to Ellie. At first I was worried about the material: what kind of example was I setting for my girls with all the bikinis?? Then I listened in:

Avy: "This one is red, and this one is blue, this one is pink and this one is pink and this one is red. This one is yellowy-orange, this one is blue..." etc. I think they'll survive with their self-esteem intact. ;)

Lily loves these tails.

Makes her feel more like the Godzilla she likes to believe she is. Lily, he will eventually get bigger than you...

Avy snuggling her siblings.

These two get along really well - they both like snuggles :)

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