Wednesday, April 5, 2017


Our local Kidsquest museum moved recently and reopened in downtown Bellevue very near where Dave works. Downtown Bellevue is not typically our favorite place to go - traffic and difficult parking make it not fun with kids. But! One day we were out to our morning's activity and we got a call: Daddy had blown a bike tire and was stranded mid-route! As Ellie put it, we became Daddy's rescue team! We picked him up and dropped him off at work then happened to find a rare free-parking spot at Kidsquest. So we ventured in!

Theo in the toddler's section. The kids had a blast but Momma was stressed keeping an eye on the toddlers (in a very small toddler room) and the big girls, running around in the other areas outside.

I finally gave up and pulled the toddlers out into the bigger rooms with the girls. They had a pretend store set up!

And a climbing area, one for little kids and a big, three storied one for big kids.

This little boy was kindly providing water play for Lily by holding down the water button for her.

A giant area dedicated to water play!

And back at home post nap.

Would I do it again? Heck no. Kidsquest has a lot of very neat sciencey exhibits, but the parking is truly atrocious and despite the calm appearance in the pictures they were easily over capacity by 50%. The toddler room was only supposed to hold 50 people total but it was so crowded that Theo standing 3 feet away from me couldn't see me - too many other parents milling around. Besides this they poorly changed their membership model to disadvantage larger families (le sigh). It was a good experiment though and the kids certainly enjoyed it... it was just a bit much for Momma ;)

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