Saturday, April 22, 2017

Busy busy busy

It's been a full couple of weeks! We started swim lessons, went to the zoo and aquarium, tons of toddler time and even got to enjoy some sun. The kids and I definitely were starting to get the winter blues; being outdoors has done wonders for everyone's temperament! I can only hope spring doesn't do an about-face (random thunder/lightning/snowstorm from last week, I'm looking at you...)

Toddler time! The toddlers were socializing with one of their own :)

Lily likes hummus. She dipped everything else on her plate in it and ate it, as evidenced by her face.

Avy and Lily have recently discovered they're about the same speed: I've spotted them doing a slow motion chase gave several times, and occasionally they'll just be sitting together.

They looked so cozy, Theo and Ellie joined them!

Making puffy paint out of flour, water and baking soda. We were discussing what gas is and how it works.

Half the paints had baking soda, half without. It's hard to tell, but the baking soda paint was puffier and had holes in it from the gas escaping while it was cooked, while the "without" paint was just flat. Overall though they kinda looked like gross pancakes; the girls didn't mind ;)

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