Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Busy day

Another gorgeous day, so we bundled back into our rain pants and went back to the park. This time it was warm enough for a lot of people, including a bunch of dog owners. I sadly missed taking pictures of Theo with the two Bernese Mountain dogs (whose heads were as big as Theo) - Theo bonded with those dogs immediately and prepared to go home with them.

Avy also made a friend: this little havanese loved the kids and all of the attention.

Theo was determined to get a dog out of this day: unbeknownst to me or the owner, he picked up the puppy's leash and started to walk off with her. The puppy did not object at all, hilariously.

A mutt, but incredibly friendly as well. This was the big girls' favorite; Theo would have taken any/all. As you can tell from the picture, Lily wasn't having any of them.

Then back home for nap and more sunshine! Daddy emailed Momma mid-day to see if the girls would be up for a soccer game - oh boy would they! Despite it being a solid hour before Daddy was coming home, the girls stood at the edge of the yard waiting.

Lily has a new pose: she walks around clasping her hands behind her like a schoolmarm. It's kinda adorable.

And the girls at soccer! When asked what their favorite part was the girls said, "The popcorn and the bathroom."

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