Wednesday, April 12, 2017

We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo!

For those of you not deeply submerged in Peter, Paul and Mary (warning: highly catchy!).

Tuesday was gorgeous so we piled the kids into the car bright and early and drove into Seattle to meet up with some friends and explore the zoo.

Too cool for school:

A hippo! Avy is unimpressed.

The lion was the first animal to make the toddlers sit up and really take notice. Theo kept saying, "Ah! Ah!" and pointing to make sure I saw it. Lily emphatically shook her head no at me - no she didn't want to go see the very large animal.

Snack cups work again! Definitely their highlight of the day.

Theo eating a strawberry. Oh how time flies by...

Hmm, wait, something's different... ;)

The monkey cage. I see four monkeys right there and boy were they loud!

A playground in the middle of the zoo (smart!). This was perfect for the babies, or would have been if it wasn't a serious mud hazard. Oh well...

There were holes for the kids to climb up. I was a little worried when the toddlers split on me, but both really good at carefully lowering themselves down.


Goats. They were out of the stroller for 30 seconds before they ran away from me in opposite directions with nary a backwards glance. Next time: leashes.

We drove home and the big girls and I did school and quiet time while the babies napped, then outside for chalk and fun.

Look at that: all four kids outdoors and happy. I had a solid 1/2 hour to fix dinner in peace.

While I put the babies to bed the girls cleaned up the toys; then it was time for an activity! Tonight's activity: how do rain clouds work? We piled shaving cream on top of water and gave the girls each little glasses of colored water to pipe into the "cloud". When the cloud got too full, it rained!

Avy's got a serious rainstorm going.

After the activity we read and bounced with Dad. All in all, a really great day :)

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