Monday, January 22, 2018

Catch up pt5

Oh my it's cold here. No more snow, we missed that sadly, but we're hovering between the 30s and the 40s at any given minute. The kids are so cute in snow gear:

Theo decided where one jacket is good, two is better. But both are apparently upside down....

One of the girls' chores is to fold and put away laundry. Theo loves to help but mostly he just moves laundry from the living room to the various rooms. This time though he plopped down and started helping Ellie fold... and she patiently walked him through several wash cloths.

Glue crafts. I like to live dangerously.

Toddler time! The girls are technically still young enough but really, they're twice the other kids' size. It's perfect for the littles though.

Yea she knows she's cute.

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