Monday, January 22, 2018


I went into a flurry of cleaning the day before we left (I hate coming home to a dirty house). While vacuuming the steps the two littles were standing at the top watching me; they started to fight. Avy got up from her toys and gently inserted herself between them, holding their hands, kissing them, and taking care of them while I finished. Good girl!

And we're off! Ooh boy it's early - up at 4:30, out by 6. The kids were unsurprisingly delighted.

And on the plane!

This lasted two seconds.

Then we mostly let them climb around on us and run up and down the aisle.


Yes, she's balancing between the seats.

I was happily snapping my pictures; this is the last before I realized someone was standing in front of Theo waiting to pass ;)

Would we do it again? Yes! It was remarkably easy; the girls played on their laptops the whole time and the babies alternated between running around and eating. It would have been better if they had napped, sure, but over all, very easy :)

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