Monday, February 18, 2019

Christmas Day!

In a simultaneous effort to declutter the house and teach the kids appreciation for their toys, we did Christmas slightly differently this year. Each kid got one book and one See's lollipop as their own, and then we had three joint gifts: a stroller for stuffed animals, a crocodile game, and a huge fort-building kit (you build the frame out of sticks and joints then drape sheets over it - it's brilliant). We found that by not overwhelming them with stuff they focused more intently on the things they did get, and there was the immediate anticipation of sharing. As we closed out Christmas with big girls helping us put away the tree, Ellie told us, "This was the best Christmas ever!" and Avy loudly agreed. 

Still got cute opening-presents pictures too!

As one might expect, the lollipops were thrilling ;)

Dan and Lily have a special kind of bond.

Preparing to walk the dog in a downpour.

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