Monday, February 18, 2019

Ski Day 5

Our most ambitious endeavor yet. We decided that the littles were serious enough about skiing to warrant their own gear and so we bundled everyone up the day before our trip to bicycle down to the sports consignment shop in Issaquah. Where we bought 2 sets of skis, 2 helmets, 2 pairs of goggles, and snow boots for Momma. Then, still having a few inches of space around the littles in the trailers, we went to Trader Joes for food, and Petco for rocks. Because of course we did (it fit! It was efficient!).

It was a lot colder this trip and there was expected snow in the coming days. Theo's prepared though!

Lily's motto for the day: "Can I ski more now Mom?"

I took mostly videos because the littles are impressively good now. We had asked our nanny Autumn to come with us because at the end of day 4 both littles had been mobile enough that I couldn't keep up with both. By the end of the day though Autumn and I were mostly just standing around watching them - they have control. Here's Theo passing out from his exertions (Lily was still skiing and telling me she wasn't going to stop for sleep - mid yawn).

We got home in the middle of a snow storm!

And the next day.....

Well, we already had all the gear! Kids spent the day outside, glorious.

Dan, despite being born in Texas, is by all accounts a snowdog.

Some wonderful neighbors brought us their sleds!

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