Monday, February 18, 2019


We'll get to snowpocalypse in a moment; first we bring you pictures of these four cowboys wrangling themselves nicely.

At first we just had a little snow. Enough for a decent snowman but nothing too troublesome for life.

But then... it snowed. By mid-Friday everyone was heading home early so they didn't get stuck.

Ellie's making a zoo-pirate-ship.

So much snow they closed the studio - snow day for Dad! Here he's showing them how to pack down the snow for optimal sledding.

He also got out the leaf blower for the kids to have fun with.

And the hose because... why? Why exactly? (He was trying to make an icier path for sledding).

"I got you!"

"I sorta got you!"

Nope. Dan's more agile in snow, it turns out. Even when it's chest-high on him.

Dad about to cause an avalanche on kids' heads (the associated videos are hilarious).

A good day :)

Burying kids in the snow.

Burying Dad in the snow.

Dad somehow figured out how to nap in the snow.

All snow-covered surfaces are forfeit!

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