Tuesday, October 18, 2016

All about rainbows

I wouldn't say it was my intention per se, but this day was all about rainbows. We read books about rainbows, we blended colors together with our acrylic blocks (love those things!), and we did several activities about rainbows.

This one came as a kit: you placed the tissue paper all over your bag and then used a dropper to get it all wet. The girls loved this.

Then we hung them out to dry. The girls wanted to use the droppers more, so...

...we did this set of experiments!

Ellie found it frustrating that the bubbles wouldn't join together in the baby oil.

Avy's solution: add more water!

Then we got to the vinegar and baking soda part. Easily the favorite :)

Even the babies had a rainbow day - we pulled out our tunnel for the first time and the babies thought it was the best thing ever.

Random picture of Avy napping because her pose cracks me up so much!

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