Friday, October 21, 2016

Some days are just incandescent

We've had a rough couple of weeks here as we settle back into routine - Ellie has several times told me that she "likes it when Dad is on vacation and we go in the RV." Me too, kid. Today was one of those pockets of sun in the storm though, and gave me hope that we'll be returning to normalcy soon.

It was laundrypocalypse day, and Ellie needed to make her bed. Avy offered to help carry her sheets/blankets up from downstairs, then brought my sheets up too. I heard her talking to herself for a while and went to check on her. She was making up my bed (note the bed is already made up underneath ;):

Lily is really just good as gold. Calm girl.

Calm girl with a funny face :)

After a superb morning all around, we took the girls to their dance class while the babies and I hung out at the rock climbing wall. Auntie Maureen and Katie, I'm starting them early!

Once we got back, the babies went down for nap and the girls had their quiet time. I heard Ellie at one point say "You want to read?" which is her motto for everything these days. I cracked a peek; that's Avy "reading" to Ellie:

Trying out costumes in prep for Halloween! Theo could take or leave it.

Ellie just doesn't hold still for pictures.


Not quite.

Still wiggley.

And blurry.


Another funny face. It runs in the family :)

Avy holds still but, who can tell? When I asked her what she was, she told me, "a coffee dancer lamppost."

What a sweet blur I have!

1 comment:

  1. A coffee dancer lamp post is the best costume ever. You are starting those natural climbers early, wow!
