Saturday, October 8, 2016

Family Thrift Shop Trip (Sunday)

We've had gorgeous weather here this last week so we've been biking the kids all around for most errands we've needed to do. Last time I bought clothes for the kids I underestimated just how big they were so we piled everyone and a ton of food into the bike trailers and biked down to Value Village in Issaquah. The girls had a blast playing with the toys there and we found a bunch of clothes that should fit all four kids for the next X months (I'm always surprised by how fast they grow...)

The future! Theo feeding himself (briefly)

We accidentally left our windows open over night so it was still cold by naptime. Winter jackets for the win!

Daddy pushing the babies around the store with a caravan in tow.

After the store we biked over to a park and let the kids burn off some more steam, before heading over to the grocery store.

Lily exploring with ne'er a backwards glance.

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