Saturday, October 8, 2016

Trying Toddler Time again (Thursday)

We decided to try Toddler Time again on Thursday (it runs every weekday during the rainy season) so Dave and I got up early to get everything ready, woke up the kids and gave them breakfast in the trailers (baked maple syrup french toast and bacon! Roughing it...). We got there with plenty of time to play and lots of kids to play with!

This was Lily and Theo's first time participating in Toddler Time, and they had a blast.

It was Dad's first time in a long while too, and he also was having fun (rolling kids upside down is hilarious!)

We knew that Lily was fine being far away from us, but we were surprised to discover that Theo also was content to sit in a room full of kids without immediate proximity to parents. He would chase a ball all around the gym, sit up, look around for a long time, then finally meet my eyes and very happily power-crawl to me. A few minutes of cuddling, then repeat :)

Yea, he was having fun :)

After Toddler Time ended and everyone left the girls (all three!) burned off some more energy by running/crawling back and forth across the gym. Lily is very spoiled now for how much space she had.

Then back to the same park as before for lunch! Theo likes his lightly dusted with mulch.

Good climbing boyo! Maybe a little backwards but you'll get there!

I told Avy to show off her tutu.

Then back home again for naps for the babies and quiet time for the rest of us. What a great day!

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