Saturday, October 8, 2016

Relaxing at home (Tuesday)

We took a day off from errands to get some stuff done around the house. Momma had a science experiment she's been wanting to do with the kids: put a raw egg and a hard boiled egg in vinegar, wait for a couple days then see what happens.

The eggs immediately started to bubble and haven't stopped. They're still in there as of Saturday, but you can definitely see a change in color as the shells dissolve away. I asked the girls to give me their hypothesize. Avy: "The raw one will turn into a fish." Ellie: "No, it'll look like a watermelon!" They're a little silly ;) They started to have a better idea of what to expect after we poured the vinegar over the raw, so when I asked them again for the cooked: Avy: "It'll turn into bubbles." Ellie: "It'll turn a different color!" Both of them have been right so far for those second guesses... we'll just have to see how it turns out!

Daddy had on his to-do list to fix an outlet that has never worked since we moved in. The girls were legitimately helpful: keeping the babies away and handing Daddy tools as he needed them. And, success! We now have a working outlet!

"You want to reeead?" Visiting family, prepare for this to be the chant whenever you're around (sitting, standing, eating, sleeping..)

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