Thursday, July 6, 2017

A wet day

I'm slowly figuring out parenting; in a decade or so I should have it mastered! We had had a very "testy" day - lots of "But WHYYYYY?" and "I don't want to." ... so, lots of time outs! We'd had plans to go to our local blueberry field with friends but I told the girls I couldn't take them in public when I couldn't trust them to obey. After that they obeyed basically perfectly all day :)

That said, I'm learning how to recover from a rough morning. When frustrated, I pick out a big task from my to-do list and then include the kids to make it an activity. This time it was washing the cars (a sadly neglected task). All four kids jumped in both feet (in Theo's case, literally, he was splashing in the soapy puddles).

I love the mild look of disgust on Lily's face.

This one's going in the calendar, folks.

After popsicles to cool off from the car washing, we swam in the pool to wash off the suds.

And at the end of the day, a quick bath to rinse off the everything-else. Never before have all four kids been in the tub at the same time, and never again ;)

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