Thursday, July 6, 2017

Sunshiny days

We've been enjoying some gorgeous summer weather here, and have been basically living outside to make the most of it.

We set up a canopy to give some much needed shade in front. That, plus chairs and popsicles equals heaven for the kids!

Stretching with Daddy.

Dunno what this was but it's cute.

Look at those roly-poly legs!

They're stalking a moth that had just emerged from it's chrysalis. The wings hadn't dried and expanded yet so it was funny looking, and the kids got a kick out of it holding (relatively) still.

I walked into the living room to this. Makes Mommas happy :)

I was pulling weeds and Ellie picked me a flower. I tucked it in my ear so she brought me another. "You put it in" I told her. Seven dandelions later....

They laid out some bricks and are hoping brick to brick. Kids create the best games.

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