Thursday, July 6, 2017

It's all sunshine and popsicles from here on out

Well, so the kids would have me believe. ;)

I ran out of fudgesicles so I gave the big girls creamsicles. When asked what they thought, Avy said, "Oh. My. Goodness. This is SO GOOD." I cracked up a bit.

Good face, Theo :)

It was a scorcher day, and Scott, our resident crow, came out to pant and watch the pool somewhat longingly. I caught him cooling off in it shortly after we went inside - we clean it out each time now ;)

Ellie had a vision appointment. She was very brave, and the rest of the kids were super patient! All is fine, no glasses for her yet. She told me she wants contacts like Momma when the time comes though ;)

Dilated eyes so sunglasses for the rest of the day.

Lily really liked this yogurt.

Yes that's what you think it is. Lily tells us a few times a week now that she wants to sit on the potty. No results yet, but she's starting to become paranoid about going #2 in her diaper - she wants it off now, even when she's clean. Potty training will come early for this one, I expect.

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