Thursday, July 27, 2017

Weekends are lovely

Daddy being home is wonderful for all involved - the kids get more attention overall, I get to sit down for meals, and Daddy gets to cuddle the kids. Here he's doing a school review with the girls (a new thing we're trying).

Avy and Ellie loved helping me wash the cars, so when they saw Loran washing his across the street, they asked to walk over and offer to help. Like I'm going to say no! Luckily, Loran was amenable to the help :)

Pool days! Hot as it's been we refilled the pool and the kids have had a blast - makes for an easy day's activity.

Theo was very proud of being allowed to hold the hose and did so very still until I told him he could wave it around. See the videos for him getting into the job!

Loran and Jeanie walked over to visit and Loran asked Lily if she wanted to go pick blueberries in his backyard. I was shocked - Lily said yes! I missed her holding his hand across the street but they were gone for a good while and her belly was pretty full when she came back!

Of course that meant everyone wanted to pick Loran's blueberries, so we trekked back over there... and this happened! Awww

Lily rocking boots with swimsuit.

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