Saturday, June 24, 2017

A friendly Thursday

First we had to send off Daddy. Sadly I didn't get a good shot of Lily stretching with Daddy. She's rocking the flowers-and-camo look though.

At the park with friends! Theo climbed up here himself. I'm so doomed.

We were at the splash park, and the splash part had just been turned on for the summer! We hadn't brought swimsuits or towels but that didn't stop the kids :)

This giant stone ball is sitting on top of a pipe pumping water up. With effort the kids could make it spin, and of course leaning on the ball gets you all wet ;)

Theo's trying to figure out where the water's going.

"Hey Avy! Let's hug! I love you. Mom, take a picture!"

Snuggling with some TV

Lily's shirt was a disaster, so I asked her to go bring me a shirt. She brought me a skirt. I giggled and told her that wasn't a shirt and got her one. She was adamant I was wrong. Here she is, having put on the skirt.

Our lovely neighbors gave us some of their flowers. Lily's holding one rose and was gently smelling it.

Theo's concerned that his is defective.

Momma: "You have to eat your avocado before you can have apples and peanut butter."
Lily: -GULP- "apple?"

Sweet boy.

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