Wednesday, June 7, 2017


The kids all playing together. I love when this happens.

One of the best parts of the dollhouse was the cardboard wrappings. The kids got a kick out of decorating them!

This was a fun development. We had initially thought Theo and Lily couldn't climb up the slide. They proved us wrong. Given the high drop on the other side, not the safest.

Yea this was scary for a few minutes. (Nikki, thankfully, was standing on the other side).

All swimming together! Not pictured, Nana Evers, who nicely volunteered to help me (I'm not holding all four, I'm just not).

Babyproofing the tower. I screwed a big board over the drop so now everyone has to come and go via the slide. Kids wondered what the heck I was doing.

And Daddy furthered the babyproofing with some banisters on the slide. Thank you Daddy!

Sanding down the splinters. More power tools!

Lily is an adorable goof.

More babyproofing. That bench behind them ends in a drop, so Daddy+hoard built a back for it.

And after a hard day's work of babyproofing, video games with Dad!

After nap we did some yardwork and everyone helped.

Avy noticed that there weren't enough brooms out for everyone, so she went into the backyard and grabbed two more. Very thoughtful sweetie!

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