Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Random wonderfulness

So this happened: Lily came up to Daddy in the kitchen and started tugging on her diaper and mumbling. Daddy, brilliant man that he is, asked her, "Do you want to use the potty?" and Lily nodded emphatically. She didn't do anything there but she was pleased as punch to be sitting where Mom and Dad do!

Avy's got all her numbers down now! Just look at that proud face.

And her name too!

Birthday fun! Annah came by to hug the girls and give them presents; they were delighted for both.

Lily's adopted Annah.

Outdoor play. Sensory for the babies, painting for the girls. Momma got a whole free 1/2 hour from this!

Uncle Alex and Eleanor came to visit! I basically didn't exist for the kids for three days ;)

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