Sunday, June 11, 2017


Theo and Lily were sitting at the table eating cream cheese toast and bacon for snack. I was washing dishes when I hear Lily's "uhOH!". Theo had taken off one of his shoes and carefully shoved his cream cheese toast inside. Sigh.

A few minutes later I see Theo climbing down and I ask if he's done. He looks at me rather knowingly and walks over to Lily's side. Picks up a piece of bacon she'd dropped, places it on her plate, pats her arm then climbs back up to his chair with a big smile. Aw.

A few minutes after that I hear "uhOHUHOH" and turn to see Theo, having grabbed my water glass and taken off his other shoe, dunking his shoe vigorously in the water. Big sigh.

He's a kind kid. The rest is just hilarious.

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