Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Neighbors and Family

Everyone's all dressed up for family visit! The kids even let me do their hair (so we could see their faces in the pictures ;)

Lily likes tall guys. I don't think she let Uncle Alex put her down once.

Alex and Eleanor visited Hawaii then us, and brought the kids all souvenirs. Here's Eleanor teaching the girls how to play ukulele.

As Alex and Lily watch.

Avy loved Eleanor. Eleanor had a very peaceful demeanor that Avy gravitated to, and they spent a lot of time snuggling.

Lily wants family to move in forever. She never gets held this much.

Having fun with the AC output ;)

One of our wonderful neighbors had outgrown their play equipment and offered it to us. We took advantage of having so much family over and put them to work! As a mother, this was the best birthday/Christmas/Mother's day gift ever ;)

Three swings and a slide! So wonderful.

Theo loves power tools. Shock.

Nana and Grandpa Evers gave the girls a dollhouse for their birthday, and they spent a naptime carefully assembling it. The girls even got to use the power tools!

Oh yes. This is wonderful.

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