Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Playing catchup

It's been busy here but darn if I can remember what we've been doing. Sadly I haven't been taking too many pictures either so it mostly remains a blank. But! We have a few :)

18 month checkup! Babies handled it great. Even shots went over easily - Lily didn't cry once, Theo squawked once then munched his cheese.

I made the mistake of asking Theo if he was poopy. Lily then followed him around "checking" him for the next ten minutes. Poor kid finally had to sit with his back to the wall to get some privacy.

Our neighbors Jeanie and Loran had a new driveway put in. This was the best thing ever for days.

Lily was completely adamant that those rain boots went with that skirt.

She's a princess unicorn fairy.

Magnetic "smeariment"! We were testing how the density of a liquid affected the magnetic pull. Turns out it makes a big difference!

Theo's pretty fly for a white guy.

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