Monday, January 9, 2017

A very full day

Saturday was busy! The girls had a birthday party to go to and then Dave and I had a holiday party in the evening. Lots of fun all around.

But first, Ellie being a clown (those are carrots in her cheeks).

Way up on the slide! Avy got a little stuck so a mom-friend of ours slid down with her.

When you're tired of bouncing, build a ball runway!

Tessa is helping... a bridge!

Ellie made a friend - among all the 4-5 year olds was one 12 year old girl who helped Ellie climb on the steeper slides and stayed with her the whole time. At the end of the party Ellie threw herself at the girl in a huge hug. Definitely made her day :)


And cupcakes. The girls did great - besides being polite and careful, they both automatically cleared their plates when they were done.

Grown up party! Bungie's holiday party was at the Museum of Flight in Seattle, big enough for all of us. We came a few hours early since Dave hadn't been, and walked around the exhibits. Dave was a big fan :)

Dave was getting frustrated at me for not understanding just how cool this was (Lockheed YF-12 cockpit).

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