Thursday, January 12, 2017

Getting back into the swing of things

So to speak. This week has been a relatively gentle one so far, thank you kids for slowly ramping Momma back to normalcy :)

Theo's practicing for next time Katie is here.

Broom keeps stove door from opening on them, and them from opening the bottom door and sitting in it. The solution freaked them out though.

Avy and Ellie reading out loud to each other.

Smiley boy :)

I was cleaning the kitchen and realized it was... awfully quiet... Turns out no mischief was afoot, yay!

This cracked me up. That's a 64 oz container of pasta sauce that Theo knocked over and split open. I looked at the scenario and thought to myself Is a picture worth Theo being covered in sauce? ABSOLUTELY. Luckily, Theo was more disturbed than anything by the mess; he adamantly avoided the splash zone and kept whining/pointing for me to fix it fix it Mom! Lily also came right up to the edge of the splash zone and stopped, so cleanup was a relatively easy affair. And now, pasta for the week!

What do you do when it's 20 degrees outside and everyone has too much energy? Throw the mattresses on the floor, let the kids bounce themselves exhausted.

Hi nerdettes :)

As Avy exclaimed: "Here comes Lily the shark!"

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