Friday, January 13, 2017


Fridays we have dance class in the afternoon, but there's still plenty of time in the morning for activities. But first! Ellie decided this morning that she wanted to unload the dishwasher. So she did - moved her chair over, stacked the bowls, closed the dishwasher, climbed her chair, put away the bowls, climbed down, opened the dishwasher, repeat. I stood around and drank coffee. It's a rough life ;)

See videos for a video of Avy doing it again in the evening :)

Avy was describing... something. I really have no clue what, despite my best efforts. See video for more confuzzlement.

Painting! They were apparently painting walkways to their houses.

Ellie was also painting her nose (accidentally. She's making a face because I'm taking a picture instead of cleaning it ;)

We painted a lot :)

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